Friday, July 20, 2012

Why Did I Title My Blog This Way?

For my inaugural post,  I’m going to deal with the name of this blog. 

The “wandering” part is a play on the notion of the “wandering Jew” of this Diaspora (not the plant of the same name, although I’ve been accused before of being in a vegetative state!). 
The Catholic part is self-explanatory – I, as is my wife, am a cradle Catholic, born and raised in that faith and in-bred with the notion that I can’t simply be a passive participant in weekly Mass – I have to do something within the Church, make a contribution, possibly make a difference.  For that, I can thank my late mother, who has been gone from this earth for 22 years. 
The “wondering” part is part of my basic personality, and informs my expression of Catholicism.  While I accept the Church’s teaching authority (magisterium), I still have the need to come to my own understanding of why the Church believes and acts as She does.  Through my own studies, I’ve come to a practical understanding of basic Catholic theology, and I try to share that with others, especially those engaged couples whom my wife and I help prepare to enter sacramental marriage. 
But I wonder about all kinds of things, and try to re-capture a child-like sense of wonder about things like flowers, sunsets, elderly couples holding hands, etc.  So this blog will be a set of random musings from me, with no particular theme or regularity, although my next post will be my exposition on Sacramental Marriage within the Catholic Church.  I hope someone, even one other person, joins me as I wander and wonder.

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